Our Take on Comeback Sauce

Comeback Sauce is a southern favorite. It is fantastic on salads, as a dip, on meat or seafood, as a secret sauce on sandwiches, and anything else you can think of. There are as many variations as there are family cookbooks. It has everything but the kitchen sink thrown in. Mix some up in a quart Ball jar and keep it in the fridge for several weeks. Go ahead and play with the recipe to make it your own!


Homestead Comeback Sauce 

1 ½ cup mayonnaise 

¼ cup ketchup 

¼ cup olive oil 

5 tablespoons brown sugar 

2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar 

2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce 

1 teaspoon spicy mustard 

½ teaspoon garlic powder 

½ teaspoon hot sauce 

1 teaspoon lemon juice 

1 pinch cayenne pepper 

¼ teaspoon allspice 

Mix all ingredients together and chill well. Great for seafood, dipping sauce, burgers, French fries, or salad dressing. There are tons of variations of this southern, Mississippi favorite. We find it’s better after chilled for 24 hours. Our original sauce contained chili sauce and did not contain brown sugar but we changed it after a discussion with a sandwich maker at a local, well-loved (now closed), sandwich shop.